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Reinfeld Community Pathway

October 2024 


Dear Citizens of The RM of Stanley:  

There seems to be some confusion regarding the use of the new community pathway at the south end of Reinfeld.   


The following are some common questions we have received recently regarding the Hespler Drain near Reinfeld.  Please feel free to share this information within your community.



Why was the new pathway built? 

In 2023, The RM of Stanley built a pathway along the north dike of the Hespler Drain going east and west of Reinfeld at a cost of $200,000 with Provincial grants of $123,000 as well as some additional local business support from Access Credit Union. 


The primary purpose of the pathway was to raise the height of the south dike to a point that the water would not flow into the village like it had several times in recent history.  Flood protection for the village is critical and the structural integrity of the dike cannot be compromised.  The secondary purpose of the pathway was to provide a recreational pathway for walkers and cyclists of Reinfeld and neighboring communities.  



Why all the gates and signs along the dike? 

To ensure the integrity of the dike, several gates have been installed to keep motorized vehicles from damaging the pathway surface. Signs had been installed to notify anyone accessing the pathway. 



Why can’t the dike be used for off-road recreational motorized vehicles? 

The integrity of the waterway and the berm protecting the village is of utmost importance.  Cuts across the berm and eroded vegetation make the surface susceptible to failure. Trap gates on the culverts meant to keep water out of the village also get opened regularly, putting the village at risk of flooding.  

Vandalism has been increasing. Signs have been removed and stolen. The limestone surface has been intentionally compromised. Bridge barricades have been destroyed. General graffiti on mailboxes and road signs has been rampant.  One of the gates has been intentionally damaged several times. None of these activities help to build the community we all want.  


In addition, motorized off-road vehicle traffic on the pathway creates a safety concern for pedestrians and bicyclists.   



Who has the right to keep people off the Hespler Drain property? Is CROWN land not for everyone’s use? 

The RM has no jurisdiction regarding activity within the drain other than the pathway.  The RM had permission to build the pathway and to regulate the traffic on it. The drain itself is operated by Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure. Any permissions for use of these lands must be directed by the Province of Manitoba at this LINK: 


The Water Resources Administration Act:

15.2(1) Unless the minister has issued a permit for the activity, a person must not do any of the following:

a. construct or otherwise place or establish any works or structures on, over, under, through or across provincial water infrastructure;

b. place material on, or remove material from, provincial water infrastructure;

c. perform any activity on or near provincial water infrastructure, or use the provincial water infrastructure in a manner, that

                        i.          affects or has the potential to affect its structural integrity;

ii.         degrades or has the potential to degrade its vegetation cover or any other covering material intended to limit erosion; or

                        iii.       has the potential to impair its function.



Where can recreational vehicles drive? 

There are many RM ditches leading out of the village. There is also a portion of dike area north of the pathway that is accessible. Of course, if it is private land, the landowner must grant permission.  Residents need to know that RM ditches are part of a drainage system and must not be tampered with or made susceptible to erosion.  Owners and operators are responsible for knowing the laws and regulations governing the use of recreational vehicles.  



What can we do to help? 

The RM of Stanley Council is asking residents to be aware of and proactive in dealing with the minority of individuals that are responsible for some of the recent vandalism/destruction of property on the pathway.  Of course, it is entirely possible this behavior could be initiated by residents living outside of the village.  RCMP are willing to respond to all calls regarding any illegal activity.    


The best thing everyone can do is to educate ourselves and each other about where motorized vehicles can be operated. 


Thank you for helping keep our community safe and fun for everyone! 


RM of Stanley Council