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Wastewater Project

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the wastewater project

Local Improvement Form

Stanley has been working in partnership with Winkler on the construction of a new wastewater treatment facility for the last number of years. This facility would provide capacity to allow for growth in the corridor as well as a new wastewater collection system to be constructed in Stanley which would convey the wastewater to the new treatment facility. 

Stanley Council had originally planned to present the wastewater proposal to Reinfeld and Schanzenfeld for a collection system back in late 2019, however there were numerous delays and setbacks throughout the process. 

This project has had many hurdles along the way, and we will continue working closely with Winkler and the Province on moving a wastewater project along so that our communities can continue to grow. 

The RM of Stanley is investing in a new regional wastewater project to support continued growth and provide more capacity for current residents. Here’s a brief overview of what is planned and how the community would benefit.

Project Scope

The hub of the project is an extension of the wastewater treatment facility northeast of Winkler.  The City of Winkler will take the lead on expanding the facility, and the RM of Stanley will become a partner by purchasing a portion of the facility’s treatment capacity. Stanley will also build the conveyance systems to move wastewater to the plant from new developments.

Beyond wastewater treatment, the project will improve the region’s ability to deal with solid sewage. A new septic truck receiving station will be constructed to provide more capacity to handle solid sewage from homes and businesses in the region. 

This project will also provide funding and capacity for a wastewater conveyance system to be installed within the existing communities of Reinfeld and Schanzenfeld. 

Why the system is needed

Stanley is an attractive location for new residential and commercial developments. This growth strengthens our municipal tax base – and in turn, makes it possible for local services to keep improving and becoming more efficient. 

However, our region needs additional waste management solutions so new developments can continue to locate and grow here, particularly in light of increasing provincial restrictions on septic fields. 

This project would help in three ways: 

  • An answer to our shortage of solid sewage capacity: The project would include a septic truck receiving station that will divert sewage from Stanley’s current septage lagoon, which is nearing capacity.  
  • A long-term solution for existing residents: As government regulations continue to increase, many existing communities cannot rely on onsite septic fields as a permanent solution. Provincial regulations don’t allow a straightforward replacement of traditional septic fields on lots under one acre. This means most homes will need an alternative waste management solution in time.
  • An immediate solution for new developments: Under provincial regulations, traditional septic fields can be installed for new developments only if the size of each property is two acres or more. Many new developments are based on efficient use of land with lots under two acres in size – therefore, new properties require an efficient and affordable alternative to septic field systems.


With government grant and borrowing approvals now in place, the RM will move forward with Winkler to expand the wastewater treatment facility.

In the coming year, the RM will move forward with tendering and constructing the forcemain and lift stations.

If you have questions

The latest information is available on the project webpage or from the RM office:
